Category: Hanga | Create

Small businesses

This year we are focusing  on small businesses and learning how to budget and learn more about business and profit.We have been trying to find products that we can sell for our annual school market day.My group is making chai latte to sell for market day.We have also made a Sugar free option and are selling by grams and weight.

REFLECTIONS:I really enjoyed working toghther in a group and solving problems.

Circus workshop

Early this term we were learning about circus skills and resilience. Our class went to kaitaia and learnt other skills with other schools and learning new circus skills such as diablo’s,unicycle’s,spinning plates,aerial silks,and fun sticks.

Reflections:I loved learning about diablos and how they work and how to make them spin.

I also enjoyed learning how to play the traditional Maori games where we had to try touch each others sticks and defend our own.

I really enjoyed learning form other people and trying new things.



This week in tech my group made pies to sell for market day.I really enjoyed learning how to use a pie maker and make perfect pie mince.My partner was Luke and we worked really well together.TK and Mikayla worked really good and they made REALLY good mince.I also enjoyed learning about what spices make good combos and what mixes make good flavour.REFLECTIONS: I enjoyed working with my friend and getting work done for the school.I also enjoyed looking at other groups and seeing how they did their own mince and cooking.



Cold borders

Mum,psst mum.”Mum,please.”Mum wake up please MUM!.”No ” Rekine was shaking trembling, his mother was just lying there cold, while his salty teardrops slowly trickled down his mothers chin. His mother was such a kind and loving person she was always thinking of others. Although she married the president of North Korea, Rekine always knew she was a strong woman.


“Knock Knock”.Rekine was slowly rising and slowly realizing that he was on his own from this point on.”Who is it?”He silently heard the slight shuffle of feet and the heavy footsteps of a group of armed troops.”BANG BANG BANG”.Gunshots echoed through the dingy cul de sac.”Crash.”Debris covered the moldy corners of their damp house.He ran out the back and hid in Mr Akedos garden.”Move out,president said to find the boy at all costs.” shouted the captain.


“Annyeonghaseyo.”  As Rekine walked to his house he Ruminated on how much  he loved living in South korea. The people were much respectful and loving.The day after his mother died he took it upon himself to move past the dangerous borders of his home country.He had to acquiesce and realize that it wasn’t safe for a young boy like him.`


“Joesonghabnida, I’m sorry.”Rekine bumped into an older man. He had gray dark hair and a slightly bowed lip just like Rekine’s. Despite his old age he had such strong features just like Rekine.”um…. It’s alright.”He mumbled,” The old man slowly walked away in a misty evanescent.”Excuse me..sir but what’s your family name?It’s just you look like someone i’ve seen before.”Norman,Jin norman.”Rekine never knew his real father.He only new LIES his mother never told him much just LIES.But he felt a certain sense of trepidation,he was usually good at making positive acumens.So he softly asked if he knew my mother.”Jane,Jane matthews.” Immediately a quiet hiatus filled the air.

film festival

This year our class entered in the Maniakalaaini film festival.The film festival is a competition for schools in the far north, Like kaingaroa school,mangonui school,Peria school and others.Last year I was in the film festival and we did kupenga a kupe.This year our class split into groups and our group is doing tech and explaining how we got tech at our own school.

Refections: I enjoyed learning how to edit and cut with movies.

I Loved working together in a group and learning to communicate.

I also loved learning to be more tech savvy and learning to upload files.

My survey

In my class we have been creating and learning about surveys.I did my survey on do you like pineapple on pizza and other pizza questions.If you would like to check out my survey or share to your friends just click on >SURVEY



In my class we have been learning about chemicals and bones.This week we did chemicals and taste.It was really fun learning about litmus paper and how everything works.I liked working in pairs and learning what chemicals don’t go together and also learning about washing the test tubes thoroughly and the pipette.


I loved learning about litmus paper.

I liked working in pairs.

I also loved working  together and watching the paper change colour.

Spelling menu

This week’s spelling menu is bones and the human body.I learnt a lot about bones like clavicle’s,metacarpals,tarsals,and cranium.It helped with spelling more challenging words and using words in my narratives.I also learnt about what the diffrent bones and oragans do.I learnt alot about phalanges and other bones.


Reflections:I learnt more about bones and the body.

I enjoyed learning about what bones connect where.

And I loved learning something new.


On Monday we did woodwork In Mr Pichards class. We have been working on making and creating tractor chicken coops.We are planning to sell them at market day and other fundraisers.We Have just finished painting,laying on chicken wire, cutting and refitting the frames.

My group is Sam, Tk, and me. I really enjoy learning more about building and being more appreciative of builders and how skilled and hard their jobs are.I loved learning about how to use the diffrent tools properly like, drop saw,skill saw, and a few other tools.I also picked up more teamwork skills and learning how to use measurement for our building.Do you love creating and designing too?

Reflections:I loved working in a group.

I learnt how to drill and screw properly.

I also loved and enjoyed learning more about building and designing.

Maths sheet

In my class Nikau we have been doing measurement and angles.We have also been working on converting time on clocks both digital and analogue.One of our task’s was to translate the time from  24 hour time.We had to figure out which angles are right angles and which angles are obtuse,acute reflex,and straight angle.

Reflections: I enjoyed learning more about converting time.

I loved working with friends to work it out.