Samoan language week.

This week our school had an awesome Samoan group come to our school for Samoan language and dance and teach us awesome fun samoan phrases.

For example fa’afetai (thank you) fa’amolemole(please).I really enjoyed learning and joining in with the dances and the music.I’m also more Samoan then Maori so it was really good to see other samoan groups and doing their traditional.

Reflections: I loved learning new Samoan words.

I enjoyed dancing and joining in.

And im really glad that i know that,that is my culture.

Production rehearsal.

This term we have been working on production for our school this year.We always have a school production every two years,2021 we had tiddler,2019 we had goodnight kiwi.This year we are focusing on Ukaipo which means home.

Its about a young boy (me)who lives in australia but dosen’t know where he is truly from and goes over to new zealand

to meet his whanau and learn some kiwi classics.He meets his Cousin Ricky baker (Cooper) and his Nan (Amiria) and his Uncle Billy T James (Norah) and his other Cousin BOY (brooklyn) his main Uncle is the Mad butcher (sam) .


My refelctions: I enjoyed working with other characters and learning more about acting.

I loved dancing with my class in our Footrot flats act.

I learnt that being prepared is helpful.COME ALONG TO OUR SCHOOL PRODUCTION June 15th 5:00 onwards and the grandparents will be at 11:00.





My trip to kaitaia hospital.

Last Wednesdays I had my tonsils and adenoids removed because i kept getting really sick with tonsillitis. So me and my Mum went to kaitaia hospital and my dad came for the pre op.A pre -op is we’re they check how your feeling and the what their going to do.

So we finshed the pre op and they gave me  compress stocking and a hairnet to go into (i was quite confused when she said)theatre which is the surgery place so they gave me laughing gas and i was cracking up then all of a sudden it felt like a movie everything was blurry the doctor talking to sounded like the matrix and then BOOM I fell asleep.

I woke up and my throat was on fire i was really disorientated and was dazed but they gave ice cream and jelly (SCORE!)then they wheeled me out to the ward where me and two other little girls were there lying in there beds.

So i had my chromebook with me and was watching netflix and eating iceblocks Mum went down to go grab us nice udon ramen noodles it was really nice.We “sleeped” the night at the hospital well not really one of the little girls was screaming the whole night i only got about 4 hours sleep but in the morning the surgeon came and discharged us and we went home.

the reason im writing this is because the doctor said i have to have 2 WEEKS OFF SCHOOL good but not good.

My holiday

In my holiday me and my dad went down to Nelson and saw all our neighbours and family.

In the morning we went to our favourite cafe and saw my brother and sister.

We also had fish and chips at our friends house,and we went to go see my friend in Moteuka and left on Sunday.

Reflections: I loved relaxing and meeting old friends.

I learnt that my old neighbour passed away.

I enjoyed meeting my sisters boyfriend and hanging out with my brother.

Where would you like to go for your holiday and why?


3d shape poster

We had to do a presentation on a 3d shape and mine was a cuboid.I loved doing this and standing up to present.I learnt that a cuboid has 6 faces and 8 vertices.I enjoyed creating this and learning about 2d and 3d.


Every Monday we have TECH or home economics.We love when we have tech because we get to cook, sow and project pioneer.My class is cooking and the other day we made muffins and whaea Cindy is our teacher and she taught us how to stew fruit and use utensils the right way,also we switch each term in out groups to a diffrent area. I love tech and whaea Cindy is a good teacher she help us out whenever needed.

3D chicken coup designs

Today we had whaea Donna come in, to show us this cool website called  tinkercad where  we could design in 3D.

She showed us this because our class Nikau were creating a chicken coup for our school.


My reflections: i felt really comfortable with how the coup was gonna look.

It was a cool idea and it was thoughtful of her to come in her own time to teach us more about maniakalanni